onsdag 2. juli 2008

Perfect Guiping!!

We went from Guangzhou to Guiping on Sunday, expected 6 hours on a bus, it took only 8, so we were happy;) Guiping doesn't have many tourist attractions or anything, it is famous for the very kind people living there.. And they were the nicest people we have met in China, I think! Of course, we meet wonderful people everywhere, but it seems to me that all the people of Guiping is nice! It was helpfulnes and smiles and "hello" all the time! We got help to find the hotel when we arrived, help to find a great restaurant. And the next day, when we had cilmbed Xi Shan, a small mountain, and we were walking along a road, saying hello to everyone driving by on their motorbike, (beautiful scenery, ricefields, bananatrees, bamboo, and tea-fields, we have some lovely pictures!), someone stopped to take pictures with us, and managed to ask us if we wanted to go swimming with them(not the best english in Guiping, but the friendlyness makes up for it!), we said yes, of course! We sat behind on the motorbikes, and after a few kilometres, it was a kind of a swimming pool, with a restaurant and all, so we stayed all day, getting to know our new friends better:) Then they drove us back to the hotel, we had a shower and dinner, and then they picked us up again, and we went to a karaoke-place, HAHAHA, GREAT FUN! You all missed out on K's and my version on Crazy with Britney Spears, hahahahaha! Unforgettable!!
It got late, but no problem, they drove us home too.. Nice people!
On Tuesday we left Guiping, to go to Yangshou, where we are now, and we spend the whole day in the busstation and on the bus.. 5 hours waiting for the bus, it was delayed, of course, but it was ok, the employees took good care of us, getting us tea, and food and entertaining with chinglish and chinese, and the bus ended up waiting 10 minutes for us, as we were busy, haha!
And the busride took of course 6 hours, not 3 as they told us, but even though we got here late, we found a nice youth hostel, and everything is ok!
Have to get outside, the weather is too nice, and the scenery to beautiful to sit here!
Have a nice day!

1 kommentar:

Maia sa...

Det her hørtes jo bare helt fantastisk artig ut! Hurra for Guiping!