lørdag 10. januar 2009

From Melbourne to Hobart, to find a job..

We had a great time in Melbourne, and were able to stay longer than planned, because of Charlie, our couhcsurfing host, we stayed almost a week on his couch, great times:) Managed to see a concert with Lykke Li(from Sweden) and a lot of cafe's and surely a lot of internetcafes to, trying to figure things out.
We went to the government tax office one day, and the ugly guy in there laughed at us when we asked if we could get our tax back, and then he said slowly: N-O, Y-O-U C-A-N N-O-T G-E-T Y-O-U-R M-O-N-E-Y B-A-C-K , Y-O-U A-R-E O-N A H-O-L-I-D-A-Y, A H-O-L-I-D-A-Y... So apparently it makes perfectly sense to the government to take advantage of poor backpackers that are leaving the country, we have only paid 30% tax, and we're not using any of the good stuff coming from taxes in this country.. How stupid. And in a way horrible, it is so much money......
So we left Melbourne(were we had a great time, except from that horrible guy in the tax office..) and went to Hobart, on Tasmania, because everyone said that's where to go now, if you want a job for a few weeks! It is fruitpicking going on, a lot of it, but as it shows, everyone else has had the same idea, so here we are, soon we have called all the fruitfarm on this island, and none needs help.. Just not meant to be? Is that so? Horrible news, if you ask me!
But we have some good news too!(apart from being unemployed, which is really a dreadful feeling, even if it is only for a few days or weeks, we feel so useless! Not good..) We have bought tickets to Central America! The 30th of January we will fly to Honolulu(yes, Hawaii baby!!) and stay there a few days, then we have got tickets from Honolulu to Mexico City, where we will land in the beginning of February. Can't wait! So if we can't find a job now, we will just eat nudles for 3 weeks and then go to central america where everything is cheaper:) Sounds like a good plan to me:)
And that's about it!
If anyone knows anyone who needs a helping hand for 2 weeks time on Tasmania, let us know:) We'll do pretty much anything!
You have a good one, then!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hei der !

Så nå har dere etter alle solemerker landet på Honolulu ? Da blir det vel basteskjørt og strandanser inn i de sene nattetimer. Hørt at det er mye fruktretter der som mango, ananas, papaya og hva det nå heter. Skal vare mye nøttefrukter å meske seg på der oxo som chilinøtter og macedaimians..kukui ? Helserik mat der asså...tror jeg..sikkert mye havmat oxo som er bra for hjerte. Så er det skralt med penger er det vel bare å forsyne seg fra trærne og grave opp fra bakken eller ut med stang og snøre he he eller rote i fjære når det er fjære sjø he he
Nå må dere fortsette med å ta bra bilder som jeg og andre kan se. Lykke til videre !
