fredag 6. mars 2009

Back to Coban and then Flores

We left Lanquin on Wednesday morning, after a nice breakfast and some packing of all the backpacks of course. Kjersti decided she didn´t want to join us to Flores, because she has already been here before, and was not at all interested in seing the Maya ruins again, but we all took the bus to Coban, and went to all the banks to get money for all of us( strange thing with atms in Guatemala, they never seem to work very well..) And after spending an hour in different banks we finally had enough to split, and Ragnhild, Kristoffer and I went to find a bus to Flores. After 5 minutes walking down one street we already had a guy that took us to the bus and promised a grrreat price, but he apparently had got nothing to do with the bus company(or, rather, the two guys owning the car that served as a bus from Coban to Flores that day..), so we ended up paying a bit more than the grrreat price, but it was ok, the bus was direct and all they said, so we jumped in and looked forward to a great busride lasting 5 hours. It only took 5 and a half hour, but they cramped the car tjocka block full of people, at one point I counted 30 people in a car with seats for 15 at the most.. :) Genuine Guatemala! And it didn´t drive us all the way to Flores either, hehe, but a nice man from the bus gave us a ride, and it was only 5 minutes from the busstation in Santa Elena, which is the town we´re in now, we´re just at Flores, a small island just outside the town, together with all the tourists, and all that is here is restaurants, hotels, touragencies and cafes, hehehe, backpackerheaven;) It is a beautiful beach, and we saw the sunset yesterday all 3 of us, so rooomantic;)
Well, we´re only here to find a tour into the jungle, but the first day here, we were a bit lazy(and I think this place too, is one of those places where it is too easy to just stay and stay and do nothing... ), so we didn´t exactly find anything yesterday, even though we visited all the touristagencies yesterday, hehe! Weren´t really sure what we were looking for either, but as the time passed and all the agencies told us the same, we started to get a feeling that we had to go furthest and longest, so this morning, we ended up organizing a tour with our hostel(which was the last place we asked for tours and prices and all, hehe, typically) and we had a long ride to the atm with a taxidriver (with a t shirt that said I´m not an alcoholic, I´m drunk..) and emptied our accounts to pay for the tour(the taxidriver didn´t empty our accounts, we did..) and then we felt so excited and now we´re getting quite stressed out, because we are going into the jungle for 5 days, starting tomorrow morning at 06 am, walking walking walking for 5 days into the jungle to see El Mirador, the biggest Mayan ruins ever found, which are not revealed yet, they are still digging and digging. Interesting! And how on earth are we supposed to get ready to go for a walk for 5 days into the jungle in about 12 hours from now??
Well, I know how.. Get off the internet, buy toilet paper and batteries for the camera, and then pack good shoes(don´t have, so that´s easy) and sunscreen and mosquitorepellant.. :)
So, wish us luck, and we´ll be back in a 5 - 6 days time! (With some great photos, right, Kristoffer???)

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