onsdag 14. mai 2008

Earthquake in Chengdu

We are ok!! All though you could feel the earthquake from Bangkok to Beijing, 7.8 on Richters, we were not that close to the center. Kristoffer actually felt it, and so did most of the people here! It felt like you got very dizzy or something, like the world was spinning a little bit. I didn't feel a thing, because I was out shopping (and then I am very busy, too busy for earthquakes) and the street I was in was under construction, so it was a lot of noise and the earth seemed to be shaking anyway..

So now you know, we are both ok, but we feel sorry for all the people who died or lost someone in the catastrophe, it is all over the news all the time, and we see a lot of horrible pictures and so on.

We are leaving Pingyao today, trying to get to a small mountainvillage with 300 inhabitants, so I guess we will not have access to the internet in some days;)


3 kommentarer:

Hanna Hvattum sa...

Jeg sammenlignet noen bynavn og regnet meg frem til at dere ikke skulle vært i fare, men det er godt å høre det fra dere :)

God tur til fjellet!

Anonym sa...

godt å høre at dere er like hele! Tenkt masse på dere nå! kos dere videre!

Anonym sa...

Hejsa, Nu sidder vi i Båstad og læser om alle jeres spændende oplevelser, hvor spændende for jer!
Vi har været ude at gå tur i det gode vejr; så fint hus de har bygget her! Og nu skal vi ud at flytte sauene.
Vi ønsker jer mange gode og spændende ture, oplevelser for livet.

Maria: Tusind tak for det flotte ikon, jeg fik til min konfirmation :-)

Klem fra Maria, onkel og tante i DK.