mandag 8. desember 2008

Meeting a snake...

OK, this one is not for our mothers or others that are a bit afraid:) (Well, nothing happened, so everyone, just read on..)
One day last week when we just finished work I saw one of our colleauges, Stan, chasing something with a broomstick over the lawn.. It was a snake, so we went closer to get a proper look, and Stan told Kris to get a big black bag to put the snake in, so we could store it in a "safe" place till the Rangers got here(viltnemnda?)So Kris held the bag while Stan tried to manouver the snake into it with the broomstick, and then he closed the bag and left it on the counter in reception. We all waited there for the Rangers to come and tell us what kind of snake it was, we weren't sure, and it is all kinds of snakes up here... We opened the bag and took a closer look too, to see if we could find it on the snakeposter we have.. We could.. And the Ranger guy confirmed it( he barely opened the bag, was really careful and just opened it a little bit and used a flashlight to see it properly...) It was a Western Brown snake, the 3. deadliest in the world...... In a plastic bag on the counter in reception, but even worse, a snake that Stan chased with a broomstick, and that Kris was 10 cm from when he held the bag open... SCARY!!!!!!!!!
But it went well, and now we know that next time we see a snake we just leave it and call the Rangers straight away, and then they can put it in a bag... :) Good to know:)
Look it up on the internet, if you want to, it is scary! And look up Wolfspider as well, that's the one that chases me when I clean the toilets... That one is not deadly, though:)
Other that that our closet was full of ants yesterday, so I'm using my day off to clean the room and the closet and wash all our clothes.. Yeah!
And I'm not cleaning the toilest anymore, yeah!!!!! They have closed two toilet blocks so it is only job for one, so Kris is cleaning toilets on his own, while I am working as a housekeeper with the other girls:) Which means I get to clean rooms instead of toilets.. But at least the rooms have aircondition:) So it is better! Yeah!
We leave Jabiru on the 19th of desember, going to Townsville to celebrate Christmas with my relative, Marit(tremenning:) We are looking forward to a holiday and a proper English/Australian/Norwegian Christmas:) Yeah again!
God advent to all of you:)

3 kommentarer:

Marianne sa...

Jeg kunne gjerne stått og sett på, men jeg hadde definitivt ikke holdt noe som helst som en slange skulle krype inn i ;-)

Anonym sa...

Flaks flaks flaks

håååper dere har maasse igjen på flakskvoten ennå...ukjent hageslange 10cm fra..godness-greisshuss-me,,,,puuuhh.

Det ser ut til at dere får en finfin adventstid, her er det frost på kvistene og varmt i stuene så det er så fint atte :o)

Anonym sa...

Hei Gunhild og Kristoffer! Håper dere har en god adventstid, og at dere får en god jul! Kjipt at du ikke er hjemme i jula, Gunhild! Klem